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Handicap Reimbursement Program

Source: Sedgwick, April 4, 2023

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) offers the Handicap Reimbursement Program to potentially off-set claim costs and encourage employers to hire and retain employees with a handicapped condition. Ohio Revised Code 4123.343 recognizes 26 conditions / disabilities in which, under some circumstances, the employer may be eligible for reimbursement of partial claim costs. The handicap percentage awarded by BWC will reduce claim costs without reducing the benefits to the injured worker. The reduced claim costs can result in sizable premium reductions.

Eligibility Requirements

If an employee suffers a lost-time industrial injury/ occupational injury or death, the claim may be eligible for handicap reimbursement if it can be shown that the handicapped condition pre-existed the industrial injury or occupational disease and either caused the claim or contributed to increased costs or delay in recovery. Additionally, one of the following benefit types must have been paid in the claim:

Application Filing Deadlines

Private Employers:

Public Employers: 

The Sedgwick cost containment team conducts reviews on claims which meet the eligibility requirements for handicap reimbursement, files the application and attends the handicap hearing on behalf of our Ohio TPA clients.

Sedgwick TPA

As a result of their best-in-class service, Sedgwick has consistently maintained a 97% retention rate - one of the highest in the industry.  Put their team to work for you. For a no-cost, no-obligation program analysis, contact your BDD or Sedgwick's Cordell Walton, toll-free, at 614-827-0398 or

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