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Print Week 2024 Conclusion


What an extraordinary start to our Print Week celebrations! By popular demand, we hosted once again at The Backstage Event Center in Cincinnati, a unique loft-style venue above Nicholson’s Fine Food and Whisk(e)y. Our event combined modern elegance with rustic décor inspired by the local artistic community. It was a great backdrop for the celebration of the finest printing in Greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Northern Kentucky.

Peter Flottman of Flottman Company, Inc. took the stage to expand upon how the Printer of the Year award came to be and the criteria required for consideration for this award. Upon concluding his remarks, he turned the microphone over to Kevin Murray, the recipient of the 2023 Printer of the Year award, for his remarks on this year’s Printer of the Year, Tara Halpin of Steinhauser, Inc.

Kevin recounted the collaboration he and Tara have shared over many years in the industry. He highlighted their joint involvement with GMA's Southern Advisory Council and their yearly attendance at the annual leadership conference. After elaborating on Tara's background and the accomplishments of Steinhauser, Kevin proudly introduced his friend to accept the prestigious 2024 Printer of the Year award.

Tara expressed her gratitude to GMA and her peers for the incredible honor. Achieving this award has been a career goal, and she feels deeply privileged to have her name listed among previous winners. Tara said every day she wakes up to make her father, grandfather and great-grandfather proud by carrying on the Steinhauser legacy. Tara extended her thanks to her family, the Steinhauser team, and industry peers who supported her through challenges, contributing to the success of her company today. She shares this award with all of them.

She expressed admiration for past recipients of the Printer of the Year award and her love for this print community. Tara acknowledged that she has grown as a leader due to the collective efforts of those in the room, and she was sincerely grateful that her peers chose her for this recognition.

After Tara accepted her award and posed for pictures, GMA welcomed Phil Weinrich of Roberds Converting to the microphone so that he could explain the origins of the William Maxwell Award as well as the criteria to be eligible for this award. Once concluded, Phil welcomed up Larry Kuhlman of 2023’s Maxwell Award winning Company, Graphic Village.

Larry said that he came out of retirement that night for two reasons: To celebrate Tara, and the 2024 William Maxwell Award winner, The Cincinnati Type & Print Museum founded by Gary Walton. Larry started things off by sharing the background of the museum, and ended his speech by remembering how Gary was so passionate about the industry, that he dressed up like Benjamin Franklin during an event.

Gary took the stage by mentioning how thousands of open positions in the printing industry went unfilled in 2023 due to a lack of willing workers in manufacturing. He has created this museum to make people aware of print to help advance the conversation of print being a great career option. With over 740 people visiting the museum last year alone, the museum has inspired nearly 10 individuals to pursue careers in print.

He doesn’t see this award as an award for previous accomplishments, but more of an award of what The Cincinnati Type & Print Museum will be accomplishing in the future. Gary ended by thanking his peers in the industry that nominated the museum.

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With the month of print celebrations well underway, we continued the momentum from Cincinnati's kickoff by bringing the excitement to Columbus!  It was truly a joy to gather and recognize the accomplishments of our distinguished winners. It was so refreshing to see so many award winning students in attendance, ensuring that the future of our industry is in great hands!

We welcomed Chuck Gherman, retired from Printing Arts Press powered by PROFORMA and 2023’s Franklinton Award winner, to the stage to introduce the 2024 Franklinton Award recipient, Mike Fisher of Kenwel Printers. Chuck gave everyone in attendance a background on the Franklinton award, as well as the man the award is named after, Benjamin Franklin. After sharing some great insights on Mr. Franklin, Chuck shared Mike’s bio and history with Kenwel Printers. Upon conclusion, he welcomed Mike to the stage to accept his award.

Mike said that knowing that his peers nominated him for this prestigious award makes him feel so honored. Mike took the time to thank his family for always supporting him, especially sharing tonight with him. He recounted how he used to take his daughters to work with him so that they could appreciate what he did as well as the industry. He appreciated his parents always checking in and seeing how things were going at Kenwel.  

He then thanked his Kenwel Family, whom he said he couldn’t be here without their hard work and dedication. He concluded with telling the many students in attendance to follow their passion and that the industry needs them. Mike said that he will cherish this honor of receiving the Franklinton Award.

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Despite the chilly and rainy weather outside in Cleveland, Ohio, inside Cibrèo Privato the atmosphere heated up as we celebrated our Northern Region printing community! It was a delightful occasion coming together to acknowledge the achievements of our creative and dedicated PEA winners.

Graphic Media Alliance President, Andrew Schall introduced the background of the Hall of Distinction, which was created in 1978. Since then, there have been 148 industry pioneers inducted.

We welcomed Jim Leitch of Wikoff Color Corporation, and Hall of Distinction (HOD) member, to the stage to welcome and give background on the 149th HOD inductee, Adam Silk of Digital Print Solutions.

Adam took the stage to thank several groups of people for this tremendous honor this evening. He started by thanking his wife and family for always being supportive, especially when he started his two separate businesses. He thanked the leadership team and the staff at DPS for helping the company be as successful as it is.

He then took time to thank Graphic Media Alliance for the support that we provide and how welcoming we were to him and DPS as a vendor company, and he concluded by thanking all of his peers and customers that could join him to celebrate his honor this evening.

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We followed Alice down the Rabbit Hole, and found ourselves in a wonderland of PRINT! We concluded our month of print celebrations in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the awesome Rabbit Hole venue, where every turn led you to a new vault, with new people to see and connect with.

We want to send a very special thank you to Kelly Mallozzi with Success.In.Print for sharing this evening with us and sharing her enthusiasm for the industry as well as hyping up the nearly 40 students (our future workforce!) in attendance.

Kelly started off by sharing how the industry is better and stronger when we all work together. Although we all have competitors, connect with them and engage with them. Loving print is at the core of all that we do, and we can all benefit from other printers around us and a collective passion for the industry. 

She also couldn't contain her excitement over the nearly 40 students in attendance. It restores her faith in the future of the industry as these students will all need jobs once their schooling is done, and the skills they are learning in the classrooms will continue to drive the industry forward.

Speaking to the students, Kelly impressed upon them the importance of building relationships and not being afraid to ask questions. Connect with those in the industry as the knowledge and relationships you will gain is invaluable for your future goals. 

Speaking to the veteran printers in attendance, she encouraged them to share their knowledge with the youth and new printers joining the industry. By sharing their tips for success and experiences, they can shape the future of print ensuring the success of our industry. 

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Check out all of the photos from the events!

We extend a very warm thank you to all of our sponsors who truly help us make events like these such a success.

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