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Upcoming GMA Webinars

ITU AbsorbTech Webinar

April 22, 2024 at 11:00 am

Held via Zoom conferencing 

Join GMA and Dave Snyder of ITU AbsorbTech for a webinar to discuss their services as well as why members should choose a sustainable partner for processing shop towels. 

Register Today!

Graphic Media Alliance has partnered with ITU AbsorbTech as a preferred provider for printer towels and other rental service programs, including SorbIts® reusable absorbents, garments, floor mats, cotton roll towels and mops. Members have two ways to save – an annual rebate for rental services and 15% discount on direct purchase services, including First Aid and ITUdirect.

Daisy Health Webinar

April 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm

Held via Zoom conferencing 

Join GMA and Sean Keenan of Daisy Health to discuss the various healthcare services they provide, and how to get the maximum value out of your benefits.

Register Today!

DaisyHealth & GMA

Teladoc - Telemedicine 24/7 Care: Don't wait weeks for an appointment. Teladoc doctors, therapists and specialists can help you with the flu, infections, anxiety, stress and skin conditions, and provide advice on serious medical conditions. No matter what you're facing, Teladoc is available from wherever you are by phone, video or app. 

DaisyRx - Pharmacy Program: Through strategic partnerships and our buying power, DaisyRx can get you access to the most used generic medications for FREE! Headquartered in Akron, OH, DaisyRx provides free maintenance medications (in 90-day supplies) and low-cost over-the-counter medications and diabetic supplies with free shipping. 

B-Cares - Mental Health Support: As we move forward into the world of tomorrow, old mindsets must be shed. The head-down and barrel-through approach may provide short-term solutions, but the long-term effect is a poorly effective workforce. The best solution to a problem encountered in life and work is a proactive, supportive approach that tackles issues before they happen. Offering b-cares provides benefit parity across an organization, ensuring the same high-quality service is delivered consistently, regardless of where employees live and work. From telephonic mindfulness programs to mobile apps using phone, video instant message and SMS text, to in-person consultation, the b-cares system utilizes the most advanced technology available.

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