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Safety Awareness for Slips Trips and Falls

Source: Federated Insurance, July 16, 2024

It only takes a moment, but a slip, trip, or fall at your business could have devastating and long-lasting consequences. Keeping your employees and clients safe isn’t just common sense, it’s a solid risk management practice. Did you know:

Recognize the Hazards

There are plenty of ways that a slip, trip, or fall could occur at your business. Survey your workplace regularly — inside, outside, and around the operations for hazards. Use a checklist and follow up with frequent training and reminders for employees. 

Conduct a Job Hazard Analysis

Certain work may require a job hazard analysis to determine potential risks before they occur, including a safety evaluation of the employees who will be completing certain tasks, the tasks themselves, tools involved, and the work environment. This can help to develop standard operating procedures moving forward.

Take Action

Safe work practices, including the ones listed above, can include, but are not limited to:

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