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EPA Extends PFAS Reporting Deadline

Source: The National Association of Manufacturers, September 5, 2024

The Environmental Protection Agency is granting companies an eight-month extension of a one-time reporting and recordkeeping deadline under the Toxic Substances Control Act (IWP News, subscription). However, the requirement remains unworkably onerous to manufacturers, the NAM said Wednesday.

What’s going on: “Under the existing final rule, which became effective last November, companies were under a deadline of submitting reports on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) uses starting Nov. 12, 2024, through May 8, 2025.”

The Environmental Protection Agency is granting companies an eight-month extension of a one-time reporting and recordkeeping deadline under the Toxic Substances Control Act (IWP News, subscription). However, the requirement remains unworkably onerous to manufacturers, the NAM said Wednesday.

What’s going on: “Under the existing final rule, which became effective last November, companies were under a deadline of submitting reports on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) uses starting Nov. 12, 2024, through May 8, 2025.”

Who’s affected: The final rule, which will be published in the Federal Register today, “sweeps broadly to require reporting on the manufacture (including import) of PFAS in any amount between 2011 and 2022. Companies that imported PFAS-containing articles during this period are also in scope, though these companies can report using a streamlined form” (The National Law Review).

Why it’s problematic: “We are pleased to see the EPA delay this retroactive reporting requirement, [which] the NAM has called for [and] which will temporarily prevent an increase in the regulatory burden facing manufacturers,” said NAM Vice President of Domestic Policy Chris Phalen.

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