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Time, Tasks, and Productivity

Source: Bill Farquharson, The Sales Vault, September 16, 2024

bill f

You know, much of what I write about is personal. That is, it’s obviously my point of view but it’s also coming from my experience. Oftentimes I wonder how much is due to my age.

This is one of those sales tips.

I find it to be both valuable and necessary to match up certain activities with specific time of day. For example, my “creative” time is almost always in the morning. I have an energy at that time that I don’t have in the afternoon. And again, I’m not certain if that was always true or it’s just true now as I approach 64 years on the planet.

But I think the idea of tasks at specific times of day has nothing to do with your age.

Take sales appointments.

The worst time to meet with a client is right after lunch. During this time, your body is busy digesting food, which can lead to drowsiness. Depending on what you or your client ate, you might find yourself presenting to a sleepy audience—or delivering your pitch with less energy and enthusiasm.

Avoid that.

Late in the day or even late in the week can also be another low energy situation and there are certain sales activities you’re going to want to avoid.

The key to time management is preparation. The key to productivity is timing. You do certain things better at certain times. Maybe it is age driven, but i think all of us would be well served to be aware of our peaks and valleys.

Step back and look at your week as a whole. Then look at your task list. See if you can’t improve your productivity by thinking ahead and planning to take on those tasks more strategically.

Phew! That was exhausting. I might need a nap now.

Watch Bill present this week's sales tip

The Sales Vault, created by Bill Farquharson, is a subscription-based resource and sales community featuring a calendar packed with live workshops, on-demand sales courses, peer-to-peer discussion groups, and 35+ years of sales training content all searchable by sales challenge. Think of it as a sales conference where the seminars and workshops, full of instantly applicable ideas, are ongoing and more programs are added constantly.

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Bill has been a friend of GMA for many years and is, no doubt, known to our members as a top sales trainer and content creator for the graphic arts.

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