Graphic Media Alliance

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October 2023 Printing Industry Performance and Insights Reports

At Graphic Media Alliance, our commitment to providing our members with the latest in industry trends and business outlook is unwavering. The recent Printing Industry Performance & Insights survey across the APAN network delivered three exceptional reports. From recruitment strategies to revenue trends and industry impacts like inflation, these reports offer invaluable insights, affirming both the industry's outlook and our alignment with members' evolving needs. Thank you to all who participated. 

Branding Your Firm as a Good Place to Work: Employer Branding

Recruiting and hiring is a challenge for printing industry firms. However, we found that some printing firm leaders are satisfied with their hiring and recruiting. From our October 2023 “Printing Industry Performance & Insights” study, it appears effective recruiting and hiring is connected to two key concepts: an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) and Employer Branding. We explain EVP and Employer Branding and provide a model illustrating our findings. This report closes with survey participants' responses to open-ended questions about their employer branding approaches.

Download the Workplace Branding Report

The Printing Industry: A Big Picture of Revenue Trends, Business Outlook, Other Knowledge, and Actionable Thoughts

In this report, we help printing company leaders see the big picture of our industry from the October 2023 “Printing Industry Performance & Insights” study, which provides insights related to revenue, business outlook, customers purchasing more or less printed products, and customer turnover. The study includes thoughts on how to address this environment proactively. As comparison tools, we provide averages for employees per $1mm in revenue and cash reserve information from across our industry.

Download the Big Picture: Revenue Outlook and More Report

The Printing Industry: A Big Picture of Inflation, Paper Supply, and Postal Mail Rates, with Actionable Thoughts

Factors from outside our industry can affect firm performance. In strategic planning, stepping back and seeing the external environment from a big-picture view is essential. In this report from our October 2023 “Printing Industry Performance & Insights” study, we provide insights as to how our industry is affected by external factors, such as inflation, paper supply, and postal mail rates. The study concludes with printing firm leaders’ thoughts about a potential recession. Actionable thoughts are shared throughout our report.

Download the Big Picture: Inflation Paper and More Report

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