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BWC Rebate Programs

Source: Sedgwick, June 7, 2024

The Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) offers employers many different rating, bonus and rebate programs to encourage cost control, return to work, efficiency and safety. If you are interested in enrolling in a BWC program, or are already enrolled, here are some important deadline dates to remember.

  Action Required Public Employers Private Employers
Deductible Program Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

July 31, 2024

(2025 rating year)

January 31, 2025 

(2025 rating year)

Drug Free Safety Program (DFSP)

Annual report deadline

September 30, 2024

(2024 rating year)

March 31, 2024

(2023 rating year)

Application deadline for new participants

November 30, 2024

(2025 rating year)

May 31, 2024

(2024 rating year)

Online Safety Management self-assessment deadline

January 31, 2025

(2025 rating year)

July 31, 2024 

(2024 rating year)

EM Cap Education requirements deadline

September 30, 2024

(2024 Rating year)

March 31, 2024

(2023 rating year)

Group Experience Rating Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

May 31, 2024

(2025 rating year)

November 25, 2024

(2025 rating year)

Group Retrospective
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

July 31, 2024

(2025 rating year)

January 31, 2025

(2025 rating year)

Individual Retrospective
Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

July 31, 2024

(2025 rating year)

January 31, 2025

(2025 rating year)

One Claim Program Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

July 31, 2024

(2025 rating year)

January 31, 2025

(2025 rating year)

Education requirements must be completed

September 30, 2024

(2024 rating year)

 March 31, 2024

(2023 rating year)

Safety Council Program Attendance of 10 in-person safety council meetings must be completed

June 30, 2024

(2022 rating year)

June 30, 2024

(2023 rating year)

Application deadline for re-enrolling and for new participants

July 31, 2024

(2023 rating year)

July 31, 2024

(2024 Rating Year)

Transitional Work Bonus (TWB) Application deadline for new participants

November 30, 2024

(2025 rating year)

May 31, 2024 

(2024 rating year)

In Ohio, we partner with Sedgwick to deliver the most significant cost savings to our members. Sedgwick embraces a results-oriented approach that fully integrates safety prevention and risk control with aggressive claims management to deliver a significant return on investment. Graphic Media Alliance and Sedgwick can analyze your business to determine the BEST workers' compensation premium-saving program for you.

Sedgwick TPA

  • Group Rating – Sedgwick 's group rating program is the only plan endorsed by Graphic Media Alliance.  This program offers premium savings up to the maximum BWC amount of 53%. In 2020 the program has an average of nearly $2,000 in upfront premium savings.
  • Group Retrospective Rating - This program offers premium savings projected as high as 57% and can be a great alternative for businesses unable to qualify for traditional group experience rating.  In 2020, the program's estimated projected savings are nearly $12,000 for members participating in this program.
  • Deductible Program - This program offers discounts (up to 40%) on premium rates in exchange for accepting a specified deductible amount.
  • 100% EM Cap - Businesses becoming penalty rated for the upcoming policy year can have increases to their Experience Modifier (EM) limited, or capped, at 100%, thereby limiting rate and premium increases.
  • Self Insurance - Businesses pay compensation and medical costs directly for work-related injuries avoiding escalating reserves and premiums charged by the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation.  York serves more Ohio self-insured employers than any other third party administrator. 

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