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Source: Fisher Phillips, March 11, 2025

Even the most experienced employers are sure to have questions from time to time about the nation’s workplace safety agency – the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). That’s where we come in. The Fisher Phillips Workplace Safety Practice Group has prepared this comprehensive series of FAQs to answer all of your questions – fully updated to keep up with changes to workplace safety laws. The document you have at your disposal covers all of the topics you’ll need to know about besides recordkeeping: employee complaints, agency inspections, agency citations, the process of challenging inspections, complaints and answers, discovery process, OSHRC hearings, post-hearing appeals, miscellaneous issues, and state OSHA plans.

What is the OSHA electronic recordkeeping standard?

Establishments with 100 or more employees in certain designated industries listed by NAICS code in Appendix B to Subpart E of the recordkeeping standard – which you can access here – are required to electronically submit additional information to OSHA each year from Forms 300 and 301 (along with their Form 300A summary).


What kind of complaints do employees make to OSHA?

The most common type of complaint that employees can submit to OSHA is a complaint regarding an ongoing safety or health hazard. Employees can also make complaints that they have been retaliated against by their employer.


When can OSHA conduct an inspection?

OSHA may conduct an inspection during regular working hours and at other reasonable times.

Why might OSHA decide to inspect my worksite?

Generally, OSHA conducts inspections based on employee complaints, accidents that result in severe injury or death, or programmed inspections.

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Are you curious what OSHA would say about your company if they were to stop in for an audit? Gary Hanson with American Safety & Health can answer that for you with a complimentary on-site safety evaluation!ASH logo big

As OSHA and EPA continue their efforts to enforce Federal Safety and Environmental Regulations, some of the largest penalties in history are being levied. Safety, Health, and Environmental compliance are becoming increasingly complicated, requiring close monitoring and attention as new standards are being written and implemented. 

American Safety & Health Management Consultants, Inc. works in partnership with Association members to provide the best services available. This includes providing complimentary on-site safety evaluations for members, along with a one time plant safety inspection for member companies. They will evaluate your present program using a Safety Performance Audit and work with you on each area to ensure effective implementation. 

ASH helps identify OSHA violations that could potentially cost hefty fines and assist members in the development, implementation and management of employee safety training programs.

If you have any questions, please contact Grant Hosler at 614-794-2300.

2025 ASH Evaluation Dates

April 25 Southern Region
May 5 Michigan Region
June 2 Northern Region
July 7 Central Region
August 22 Southern Region
September 8 Michigan Region
October 6 Northern Region
November 3 Central Region
December 19 Southern Region

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