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Eight No's and a Yes

Source: Bill Farquharson, The Sales Vault, July 22, 2024

bill f

The road to “yes” is paved with “no.” Getting that appointment, you will need to endure quiet, no response, a lot of assumptions, and a test of patience.

If an investigative reporter came along and asked you to describe how you finally scored an appointment with a decision maker, the timeline would probably look like this:

No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes.

No #1: Your first attempt was an e-mail. There was no reply.

No #2: Your second attempt was to forward your first e-mail, adding “did you receive this?” There was no reply.

No #3: Your third attempt was a connection request through LinkedIn. You’re still waiting.

No #4: Your fourth attempt was a phone call that went to voicemail. It was not returned.

No #5: Your fifth attempt was an e-mail containing the URL to a Wall Street Journal article on a subject of interest to their industry. You have no idea if it was read.

No #6: Your sixth attempt was an e-mail containing a URL to a success story. It was a job you did recently, and the client was particularly pleased. At the last minute you included their testimonial. Coincidentally, LinkedIn notified you that someone checked out your profile. You investigate to find it’s the prospect you’ve been going after. At last, your first nibble.

No #7: Your seventh attempt was a phone call. In this voice mail, you say something bold: “How many people try this hard to get your attention? Can you imagine how hard I will work for you as a client of mine?”

No #8: Your eight attempt was a drop-by. You were in the neighborhood but got rebuffed at the door. Oh, well.

And finally…

Yes #1: Your LinkedIn connection request is accepted and a past e-mail comes back with a reply: “I’m impressed with your diligence and look forward to meeting the person trying so hard to get my attention. How does Friday at 10:00 look?”

Do not get discouraged by, “no.” Hear the quiet as “They will buy from me, just not today.” Assume they are listening to your voicemails and act accordingly.

And make that next attempt as if your job depends on it.

Because it does.

Watch Bill present this week's sales tip

The Sales Vault, created by Bill Farquharson, is a subscription-based resource and sales community featuring a calendar packed with live workshops, on-demand sales courses, peer-to-peer discussion groups, and 35+ years of sales training content all searchable by sales challenge. Think of it as a sales conference where the seminars and workshops, full of instantly applicable ideas, are ongoing and more programs are added constantly.

The Sales Vault is available on a monthly subscription basis, normally at a no-brainer monthly price of $45/participant, but… GMA members can take advantage of an exclusive offer: FREE membership for 30 days followed by a discounted monthly subscription price of just $40/participant. 

Bill has been a friend of GMA for many years and is, no doubt, known to our members as a top sales trainer and content creator for the graphic arts.

Other Vault resources:

  • NEW: Replays—Insider exclusive recordings of Office Hours sales discussions
  • Downloadable prospecting letters
  • One killer-good intro letter only the bravest of the brave send out
  • A downloadable voicemail script
  • 15 on-demand video sales courses
  • Archived sales content searchable by sales challenge

Check out the Sales Vault!

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