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That Terrifying Networking Conversation
Source: Bill Farquharson, The Sales Vault, January 20, 2025
There you are, an adult standing with a coffee/beer/glass of wine but feeling like it’s 8th grade and everyone has a date but you. You are at a networking event having flashbacks: The boys are on one side of the gym and the girls are on the other. You feel that awkwardness as you shift your weight from side to side.
After a while, you simply leave. Another blown opportunity to mingle, all because you couldn’t overcome your fear and start a random conversation. After all, how many chances do you get to practice this kind of thing?
Actually…quite a few.
What got me thinking about this was a conversation I had in November. I was in New Orleans. From the hotel lobby, I stepped into the elevator, joining two other business travelers. Seeing my height and assuming I was a basketball player, one of the men asked, “Who’d you play for?”
And off we went on a chat that ended on the 19th floor when he got out.
There’s a natural networker practicing his craft. He even said to me, “It’s a question I ask every tall person I encounter. A conversation always ensues.”
Think about that situation. What did he have to lose? Nothing. At worse, how long did he have to engage? Seconds. What did he learn? In this case, not everyone who is tall played basketball. Some of us were swimmers.
You are fifth in line at Starbucks. Talk to someone.
You are waiting for an Uber. Talk to someone.
You are shopping. Talk to someone.
My kids used to roll their eyes when we went anywhere because I was always talking up anyone around me. For me, it came naturally (plus, I loved horrifying my daughters).
You have multiple opportunities a day to develop this skill, and develop it you must if you want to get over your fear of talking to strangers.
Do it well and your sales and relationships will blossom. Screw it up and you’ll only feel stupid for a few seconds.
Start talking.
The Sales Vault, created by Bill Farquharson, is a subscription-based resource and sales community featuring a calendar packed with live workshops, on-demand sales courses, peer-to-peer discussion groups, and 35+ years of sales training content all searchable by sales challenge. Think of it as a sales conference where the seminars and workshops, full of instantly applicable ideas, are ongoing and more programs are added constantly.
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