Graphic Media Alliance

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Print Week 2023: Franklinton Award Recipient

Our Print Week traditions not only include celebrating our Print Excellence Award winners, but we honor individuals and companies who have greatly impacted the industry. This week, we congratulate our Central Region special awards recipient.

In the early 1970’s, the Printing Industry of Central Ohio and the Columbus Club of Printing House Craftsmen came together and created the Franklinton Award. The first was awarded in 1974 and has continued each year to be presented to individuals or groups who have made outstanding public contributions to the central Ohio community. This award, the highest recognition made by the Central Ohio graphic arts industry, honors Benjamin Franklin, the patron saint of the printing industry, who dedicated his life to the betterment of his community and country. 

In 2008, Graphic Media Alliance began presenting this prestigious award to a member of the industry who had made significant contributions to our central Ohio graphic arts community, as opposed to a community leader/contributor in general. 

Congratulations to our 2023 Franklinton Award winner, Chuck Gherman of Printing Arts Press powered by Proforma!

Chuck's first experience regarding the printing industry was due to his mother working at Danner Press. As a teenager, he asked his mother about working summers at Danner Press, a school book and magazine printer. She always told him that he should never work in the printing industry because of the long hours and hard work. Instead, he worked summers at Diamond Crystal Salt while attending Ohio Northern University.

After graduation from ONU with a BA in Business Management and a member of the Delta Mu Delta Business Honorary Society he worked in a Retail Management Training Program in Columbus. It was a good first job after college that came with crazy schedules during the holidays. Promotions came with transfers making it a challenge to stay in any one place very long.

After getting married, his father-in-law, Robert Vogt, asked about joining Printing Arts Press. He gave him a tour and sold him on working in the printing industry. Surprisingly his mother didn’t have any objections. Chuck started his journey in the press room and kept moving up the short ladder. Along the way he encountered tight deadlines, ever evolving creative design, fast moving technology, mailing and marketing, all the while increasing sales along the way. Being a partner with customers in managing their projects was a joy but also stressful due to last minute changes. Chuck and his wife, Rhonda, eventually bought out his father-in-law’s ownership in Printing Arts Press as well as the original investors who included Dr. Warren G. Harding of Harding Hospital in Worthington.”

Throughout his career Chuck has had the pleasure of working in a variety of community organizations such as the Mount Vernon Jaycees, eventually becoming a Blue Chip President. Later he joined the local Kiwanis and was honored to receive the George F. Hixon Fellowship Award for his efforts in supporting the club. As Co-Chair with his wife Rhonda of Ohio’s Knox County Junior Miss Program he enjoyed working with the many incredible people that work to ensure the program’s success.

At the time he joined Graphic Arts Technical Foundation (GATF), membership in PIANKO was included which provided a boost in print knowledge from the excellent programs and expert professionals involved. As a result Printing Arts Press won a few Print Excellence Awards and a Premier Print Award along the way. Chuck has enjoyed meeting other industry members who all strive to excel as a professional in an ever-changing environment. A highlight was working on committees and later with the Board of Directors on the merger with our Michigan friends up north.

Chuck is proud to be a part of the printing industry that started with Ben Franklin as the first printer in America. It’s always been a progressive industry that continues to expand from educating students with books, promoting business with marketing materials and banners, packaging with Wheaties boxes, providing labels for prescriptions, entertaining with magazines or books, and informs with newspapers and so much more, all the while supporting our environment through recycling and reforestation.

Chuck is glad he didn’t take his mother’s advice to become an attorney, not that there’s anything wrong with that, but because it’s been the career of a lifetime!

We look forward to you joining us at Brick & Mortar on March 9 to honor Chuck. Registration details can be found below. 


The Central Region reception will honor Print Excellence Awards winners on Thursday, March 9, starting at 6:00 pm. Come for the Print Excellence Awards, stay to celebrate the recipient of the 2022 Franklinton Award! Registration is $75, and non-member is $120. 

New Location this Year:

Brick & Mortar
580 N. 4th St.
Columbus, OH 43215

Register Now!

Parking is located onsite.

The Northern Region combines the fun and the awards at the annual Ben's Bash. Join us on Thursday, March 16, starting at 6:00 pm. In addition to the Print Excellence Awards winner being recognized, we will be inducting a new member into the Hall of Distinction. This event will be the highlight of the print scene; don't miss it! Registration is $75, and non-member is $120. 

New Location This Year:

Cibréo Privato
1501 E. 14th St.
Cleveland, OH 44115

Register Now!

Nearby parking is available at the US Bank Parking Garage as well as the Hanna Garage and various others in a one block radius. 

For the Michigan Region, we will be celebrating the Print Excellence Awards winners on Thursday, March 23, starting at 6:00 pm. You won’t want to miss which wonderful printed pieces were awarded gold, silver and bronze and which companies will take home the Best of Region designation as well as the People's Choice Award. Registration is $75, and non-member is $120. 

New Location This Year:

Diamond Banquet and Conference Center 
46100 Grand River Ave.
Novi, MI 48374

Register Now!

Parking is available on site.   

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